What clients are saying…

At 55 years old, I went on a 2 day Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim, 42 mile hiking adventure with David. 

To prepare, he worked with me to design a program that included reading a book (Younger Next Year), adopting a fitness routine, hiking trails near my home and adjusting my diet.  For 3 months, David helped me set goals and together we tracked my progress.  I had never hiked before. My trek with David into the Grand Canyon began in pitch darkness with headlamps guiding our way.  The journey entailed 22 miles each way with an overnight stay on the North Rim.  I succeeded and the experience has literally changed my life.  Now, when faced with a very difficult challenge, I envision myself back in the Grand Canyon hiking through incredible peaks and slopes to success.

— Frank S. Health/Fitness Client. Marketing Director, Fortune 500 Company. Pittsburgh, PA

Our coaching sessions have activated me to strive towards a higher level of self realization and discovery. 

I have been working en route for a more balanced and improved quality of life. David’s questions and insights were energizing and helped me concentrate on goals I want to accomplish.  We have worked on and made progress with the discontinuation of bad habits, incorporating health and fitness into my life, eliminating stress, improved communication and more self-confidence.  I value the time David and I have worked together and would highly recommend him.

— Michael F. Lifestyle Client. Entrepreneur & former CEO of Regional Retail Company. Pittsburgh, PA

I very much appreciated your calming steady style and thoughtful questions. 

You helped me find within that otherwise may not have come to the surface for me.  I felt we aligned well with your focus on fitness and general physical and mental wellbeing, I found this refreshing and energizing, helping me to focus on what is important to me.

— Brian L. Life Transition Client. Former CEO Fortune 500 Company. Chicago, IL

When I first started working with Dave I was a General Manager of a fitness facility. I was at a crossroads in my professional career, where I was deciding on whether to go into business for myself or choose another path. Dave coached me through that process by asking empowering questions which helped me weigh my options intelligently and rationally. All the while encouraging me not to fear the worst, but imagine and realize the best in myself.  I can honestly say I would not be where I am at today without Dave’s coaching. I am an owner of a profitable electrical contracting business and I’m married with 3 children.

Dave has provided guidance on how to be a better husband, father, business owner, investor, friend, and entrepreneur.

— Josh M. Life Transition Client, Pittsburgh, PA