
My mission is to help people live their best lives.

David’s Background


Unlocking potential in myself, and helping those around me do the same, has been a lifelong pursuit.

My effectiveness and ability to help and empower my client’s work stems from my entrepreneurial background, experiences building new chapters in my own life, making the pursuit of lifelong passions a reality and obtaining my coaching certification from Duquesne University’s Professional Coaching Certification program.

I created a successful career in an entrepreneurial field of commercial real estate, am a father to four beautiful children, and have lived in various dynamic and different cultural communities across the U.S. I have planned and implemented major trekking adventures for clients and friends into some of the most beautiful forests, challenging mountain ranges and uplifting park trails in this country. After retiring from my primary business, I continually sought out new adventures to challenge myself and reach new heights. I have trained and certified for an instructor in yoga, several methods of indoor cycling, certified as a Wilderness First Responder, Leave No Trace trainer and am a certified professional Coach from the Duquesne University Coaching program. 

Some of my other passions include bike riding, running, swimming, skiing, hiking, cooking, travel, motorcycling, visiting and spending time with my four adult children and grandson, and going on long walks with my dog, Benny.

For those who are looking to discover their next chapter in life, I am ready to help you turn the pages by listening, establishing goals and creating your pathways to success.

I am available for in-person or video conferencing sessions.

I incorporate values of empathy, vision, intuition, listening, authenticity, honesty, communication, healthy living, mindfulness, and responsibility in my coaching.

Professional Coaching Services


Family Dynamics

Love ‘em or not, they’re yours by blood or marriage.  How can you better address a challenging relationship?


  • Acceptance and adjustments to parental roles 

  • Role modeling for children

  • Communications between spouses, children, and parents

  • Conflict resolution based on lifestyles, finances, expectations and perspectives

  • Marriage and divorce transitions


Mind and body have a powerful symbiotic relationship.  Fusing and channeling them in a positive way will enrich your life.  What do you envision for yourself?


  • Health and Fitness

  • Motivation

  • Nutrition

  • Body and self-image 

Professional / Education

The average adult will spend a third of his/her life at work.  Students between the ages of 15-24 spend approximately 37% of their time in class or doing homework.  Where do you go from here? 


  • Work/Life balance

  • Professional roles and satisfaction

  • Career choices and hurdles

  • Current educational direction

  • Continuing education pathways


Breaking away from routines to experience enriching challenges, celebrate success and nourish your spirit.  If you made the time, what would you do?


  • Hiking 

  • Backpacking

  • Cycling

  • Running

  • Swimming

